what is autism

What is ASD and how does it work? There is much buzz going on related to what autism is and how to cure it with homeopathy. Today, let us talk about autism in detail.
What is Autism?
Autism is a disability that happens due to some differences in a brain of an individual. Most people suffering from ASD have an entirely different way to learn, talk, interact, and behaving than normal ones. Although they look normal like others, their behavior sets them apart.
Taking a look at the abilities of an individual with autism, it could be either non-verbal or very advanced and it depends on the level of ASD the one is suffering from. For eg, some people would be able to manage to live a normal life without any support whereas some will require support in everything they do.
When does it start?
Autism can happen to a person even before they turn 3 and it can go as long as the person lives. However, most of their symptoms keep improving with time and the right treatment. At times, some people show up the symptoms within the 1 year of their lives whereas others do not show up until they turn 24 months or above.
After completing 2 years, children with ASD stop learning new skills and also tend to forget the ones they always knew. As the kids grow up, they start showing difficulties in communicating with others or to cope up with other fellow mates. Their behavior becomes strange and becomes the differentiators. Due to their strange behavior and not being able to talk to others, they also get depression, attention deficit, anxiety, and hyperactivity disorder which requires immediate health care attention.
What are the signs and symptoms?
Most people find it very difficult to understand the symptoms of autism as in every individual, signs show up early and later. Most of them find it hard to communicate and interact and have limited interests. Some other symptoms that are commonly found are given below. However, please note that you can not find every symptom in one person but can find many.
Some social symptoms
- They do not look at the person to who they are listening or talking. They don’t make eye contact often.
- When it comes to sharing their emotions, interests, or any sort of feelings, they ignore them.
- They will not be taking your name or will call you by any name verbally and even if they do, it’ll be very slow.
- Gestures, facial expressions, and movements will be missed and you might not see them too often.
- They will be socially awkward. You will often see them making expressions that do not justify what is being said.
- They will not be able to make friends and talk to their mates much.
- If they are doing a particular thing, they will keep doing it repetitively.
Restrictive behaviors
- Since they are not so good at communications and languages, their interest will lie more in topics such as science, numbers, facts, and more.
- Their interest will be more in the moving objects and parts of objects than the stable ones.
- They are prone to echolalia which is all about repeating the behavior again and again. It could also be repeating some phrases or actions.
- They would become upset even if you try to interfere slightly in their schedule or what they always do. It is tough for them for facing any transitions.
- They will either be not at all sensitive towards people or will be extremely sensitive to them.
- They may face difficulty in sleeping and may have irritation.
What are the causes and risk factors?
As of now, there are no primary causes off autism. However, here are some factors that increase the risk of ASD in an individual and those are-
- If you’re having older parents.
- If your birth weight was very less.
- If you have a sibling already with ASD.
- If there are some genetic conditions such as fragile X syndrome or Down syndrome found.
How does homeopathy help in autism?
Homeopathy works with a complex approach that works well when it comes to autism. Although there are many methods to cure autism, homeopathy works in a traditional method that works on every problem separately. Homeopathy for autism is perfect choice.
With the treatment, parents are given the choice to add some gluten and diet supplements to their diet that may fasten up the process.
And since the remedies are mostly good in taste, you don’t have to force your child to eat them. Homeopathy surely works well be it for autism or for any other medical issue but one has to make sure that they follow their approach and take the medication as prescribed for best results.
Be it with or without homeopathy, one must make sure that keep an eye on how the child is behaving, interacting, and communicating with others. Always correct them to make them better which works like therapy.