Health and Fitness

Teach children these 4 immunity booster yoga, will keep the mind sharp along with the body

Yoga is beneficial for both body and mind. By doing yoga, where the mind remains healthy, the body remains active. But is yoga so beneficial for children? Yes, yoga is equally beneficial for children. Nowadays, when the schools of the children are closed due to corona and they have to stay in their homes, yoga is the easiest way for them to stay active. But today we will tell you about some such yogasana, which are immunity-boosting yoga for children and they can also strengthen their metabolism and lungs. Along with this, these yoga asanas are helpful in keeping the mind sharp along with the body. So, let us know some special yogasanas for children.

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1. Matsyasana

Matsyasana can help in increasing immunity. Actually, it detoxifies the body and increases your energy level. The special thing is that it opens the nose and also helps in making the lungs strong.

  • Start by raising your head and slowly raising your chest.
  • Relax your chest. Keep shoulders easy and arms open.
  • Palms up spread the legs straight down.
  • For maximum benefit, do it regularly for 2-3 minutes.

2. Sukhasana and Pranayama

Both Sukhasana and Pranayama promote deep breathing, reduce stress hormones, normalize the heartbeat and protect you from any nerve-related problems. All these boost immunity. Both of these are some of the most special yogasanas to increase immunity and generate some enthusiasm and positive energy in your body. To do this

  • Sit in a comfortable position, with legs fully extended or kneeling on the ground.
  • Keeping your shoulders over your hips and your head over your shoulders, stretch your body slightly.
  • Now take a deep breath in which straightens the spine till the spine and then breathe slowly.
  • Do this at least 10 times.

3. Viparita Karani

In Viparita Karani, you have to keep your feet close to the walls. This gives your back a stretch. It also enhances nerve connections and improves blood circulation and energizes your body. In this way, it helps in keeping the children fit from inside by increasing the metabolism. To do this

  • Lay a yoga mat or blanket on the floor. Now sit on the side of the wall.
  • Slowly move your hips and pelvis slightly to bring your feet to the wall.
  • When you come to the position, take care that you do not put too much stress on your lower back and hamstring muscles.
  • Try to lift your hip muscles slightly.
  • Let your head be relaxed. A slight elevation will boost your blood circulation and bring more benefits.
  • Stay in this position for at least 5-15 minutes and then come to rest posture.

4. Uttanasana (Forward Fold) 

This is a powerful pose where oxygen reaches your brain as your heart is able to pump fully, providing energy to your cells. Stay in this posture for 5-30 seconds and take deep breaths, it is also beneficial for lung health, which increases your immunity as well as reduces stress, anxiety, and insomnia.

Apart from all these yogasanas, you can also do Shishusana. It’s like a game for kids. Your kids can easily do this in the morning. So, teach your kids to do yoga and make them fit both in body and mind.

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