
Tips for Hiring the Best Personal Injury Lawyer 

If you’ve been hurt or lost a loved one as a result of someone else’s negligence, you’re definitely seeking a personal injury lawyer. Lawyers and law firms are not all the same. Not all of them are, either. Cases involving minor injuries differ significantly from those involving major injuries or death. When picking the best personal injury or trauma lawyer for a serious case, here are some useful ideas and questions to ask.


1. Check out the personal injury lawyer’s and firm’s reputations.

It’s pointless to hire someone just because they’re on a large billboard or paid a lot of money to appear on television. That has nothing to do with a person’s good name. It is critical to have a good reputation in order to win a case. If a firm does a good job, it will be well-known in the rehab community as well as among lawyers and judges. Who better to ask than people who have firsthand experience with the lawyer or company and are familiar with their work?


A good reputation equates to a better rate of success. Because insurance companies are aware of this, they are more likely to handle your claim properly and reasonably. This raises the value of your settlement and your chances of winning the lawsuit. St Petersburg personal injury attorney has a good success rate and you can also trust the firm easily. 


So, where do you look for a reputable company? To begin with, paid advertisements that simply “hire us” reveal little about a company’s reputation. The majority of individuals would not choose a surgeon based solely on their appearance on a billboard. They would inquire about their abilities and reputation from their family doctor, nurses, and other surgeons. You should do the same if you want to hire a competent lawyer or law firm. Because many people do not have access to a list of lawyers, you may want to look for reliable peer review sites. There are websites where lawyers can vote on who they would suggest as a lawyer. You can also contact the Law Society for more information. The Law Society is in charge of overseeing lawyers and certifying who qualifies as a specialist in their field based on a set of criteria. 


2. How does the law firm/attorney obtain cases?

It’s interesting to see where lawyers receive their cases. Is it because of referrals from previous clients, other lawyers, and judges (who have seen them in action and are familiar with their outcomes) or simply because of advertising? Ask:


  • Where do you get your cases?
  • Why did they send you cases?


3. Do they have a strong presence in the legal community?

In the legal world, good firms are also leaders. Always ask if the firm or the lawyer is regarded as a thought leader in their profession. This will not only offer you an idea of their reputation but also let you know whether or not they are well-liked gamers.


  • Do you provide training to other personal injury lawyers?
  • Do you chair or lecture at Law Society, Ontario Bar Association, Trial Lawyers Association, Law Practice Program, Advocates Society, or Judges’ Conferences?
  • Have you:

authored and published pieces in high-profile publications?

written any law texts about personal injury?

ever been asked to instruct law students or articling students?

been invited to consult with the government on personal injury issues?

won any prizes from legal or medical groups for your work in personal injury?


4. Is the lawyer and firm well-versed in the field?

You wouldn’t even ask your primary care physician to do it. It should be no different when choosing a personal injury lawyer to handle a significant injury case, whether it be a brain injury, spinal cord injury, or wrongful death. There is really too much at risk. You want someone who has dealt with similar cases in the past. It is important to have prior experience.


Experienced legal firms will know how to move your case forward in a quick and efficient manner. They will not only have a documented track record in dealing with significant personal injury and wrongful death cases, but they will also have the necessary expertise and skillset. You should always inquire about their trial experience. Although most cases will be settled without the need for a trial, lawyers with little or limited trial experience will have no bullets in their pistols. When the other side knows you have nothing to back up your claims, it’s more difficult to negotiate and win a case.


Furthermore, why hire a business or lawyer who practices in a variety of areas of law rather than one that focuses primarily on personal injury and wrongful death? “Jack of all trades, master of none,” as they say. Inquire if they do the majority of their work on the other side of lawsuits. Doing personal injury claims for plaintiffs differs significantly from defending cases on behalf of insurance companies.

If you have suffered injuries in an automobile accident, speak to a St Petersburg Car Accident Attorney as soon as possible, to learn what options you have for filing a personal injury claim. For free consultation call us at (727) 441-9030.

Ask the correct questions to learn more about the experience:


  • Have they tried personal injury cases without a jury or a judge?
  • Have you ever had an injury similar to mine? (mild to severe traumatic brain injury, spinal cord, multi-trauma, orthopedic fractures, amputations, degloving, burns, scarring, internal organ injuries, etc.)
  • Have you handled a case similar to mine (cycling accidents, truck accidents, recreational sports, childcare negligence, nursing home negligence, medical malpractice, boating accidents, city deterioration and negligence, hospital negligence, defective products, etc.)?

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