How can I recovery my old Yahoo Mail Account?

Yahoo is an ideal email service across the world and has millions of users. This makes it famous across the world. In case if you didn’t sign in to your account for a long time then, you might not remember your credentials. If you are the one who is not aware of Yahoo mail account credentials then, this is the place for you. You can recover your Yahoo Mail account very simple. Unlike other accounts, Yahoo account recovery is also simple. You will need to stick with some quick methods we will discuss in this post.
Recover Old Yahoo Mail Account
- First and foremost, open the Login page of Yahoo into the web browser chrome or safari
- Enter the Yahoo Account email ID in the required field and click on “Next”
- You will then on to the new screen where you have to click on the “Forgot password” option. If you don’t remember your password yet
- You will have to enter the complete phone number that you have to submit to Yahoo as part of account recovery Info izmir escort bayan
After that, enter the phone number correctly. And then, you will get a verification code from Yahoo on the same number. That number is registered by using to reset the Yahoo password and recover the Mail account
- If you don’t have that phone number linked with your Yahoo account then, click on the option “I don’t have access” option
- Then you will see the next screen where you will receive a verification code to the alternate email address. This email account is the part of your Yahoo account that you add for recovery info
- You can check the email inbox and open the email from Yahoo in which you will get the verification code and enter the code in the area that is required
You will now have to enter the new password and then confirm the same new password by re-entering it again
Retrieve Yahoo Mail Password
You might have not remembered your Yahoo mail password and to reset Yahoo password on a quick basis, you have to- izmir bayan escort
- You can start the procedure by signing into your Yahoo account. Click on the Settings icon that appears on the upper-right corner of the screen
- When you are all set with this then, you can now scroll down to the bottom in the Menu section. Then, click on the account info from there
- The next thing you have to do is to click on the account security. After that, enter the current account password
The final thing, you have to do is to click on the Change Password and then, confirm and create a strong ad secure account password
Tips to keep Yahoo Mail account active
You can stay safe against an inactive Yahoo account. For that, you should access your account from time to time. Never choose so difficult password which you don’t remember. Try to make a password with a name using symbols like ‘J0hns0N’. As you remember this name and the thing you will need to remember is symbol and caps.