
Are You Calculating The Impact Of Micro-Influencers On Your Event Promotion?

Influencer marketing works. It offers better ROI than other marketing techniques. But most of the brands fail to measure the outcome of influencer campaigns.

Brands use influencer marketing to achieve their marketing goals. The aim may be brand awareness, sales, collecting leads, or getting more followers on social media. But brands need to work on their goals before diving into influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing works best for product launches or event promotions. A strategy is necessary before selecting relevant micro-influencers of your choice.

For instance, if you have an upcoming event, what is your aim to get influencers on board? Is it to-

  • Build awareness around the event?
  • Get people to register for the event?
  • Sell tickets for the event?
  • Get followers to your account to tell them about the event?

Once you have a clear objective in mind, start finding relevant micro-influencers for event promotion.

Why micro-influencers for event promotion?

Micro-influencers or nano-influencers are not celebrities. They have a limited (around 10k-50k followers) but genuine fan following. They offer better engagement rates than macro-influencers.

Who are the micro-influencers? They may be-

  • Stay-at-home moms
  • Photographers
  • Rappers
  • Dancers
  • College students
  • Fashion bloggers

These are the people who follow their passion. They are more closely associated with real-life experiences and hence connect with their followers. Also, micro-influencers convince their community with authentic brand endorsements.

Getting micro-influencers to promote your event

Finding micro-influencers relevant to event promotion is a challenging task. First, brands have to search the length and breadth of social media channels. Once done, brands have to verify the follower demographics. Many micro-influencers have fake followers. Selecting real influencers is a challenge.

Try hiring the services of an influencer marketing platform

Influencer marketing platform helps brands to search for micro-influencers. It is a mediator that connects brands to influencers. Brands can easily find micro-influencers in their niche. Also, they can find influencers for a particular social media platform. Additionally, the influencer platform creates campaigns for brands and also submits campaign reports.

How to calculate the impact of micro-influencers on your event promotion?

Content creation becomes easy once brands set their influencer marketing goals. Another aspect is defining the budget. Brand endorsements by micro-influencers cost less. But brands need to be cautious about expenses for content creation too. Plan your content around event promotion. Collaborate with influencers for content. Ask them to come up with creative content that is genuine and does not look forced. Once the campaign is out, measure the results.

How to measure the results of event promotion?

The two main KPIs to measure in event promotion are

  1. Engagement rate
  2. Website traffic

Brands have to measure the engagement rate of the content and see how it improves website traffic for event promotion.

  1. Increase in engagement rate

Events can be promoted in multiple ways such as-

  • A short video explaining the event details
  • Event images on the influencer’s posts
  • Swipe-up link to the event page on stories
  • Blog post with a link to the event page

Calculate the engagement rate by counting the likes, shares, and comments. Also, check the increase in followers to your account after the event promotion by micro-influencers.

  • The likes and shares show how interested the followers are in the event.
  • The comments show their curiosity about the event.
  • The increased follower count indicates the success of brand endorsement.

These engagement metrics help brands to measure the micro-influencer impact on the event promotion. Also, brands have to identify the type of posts that get the maximum follower engagement. These posts can then be boosted through paid social media campaigns.

  1. Tracking website links

Create a separate event page on your website for people to register or purchase tickets. Also, create a lead generation form for people interested in the event. Don’t ask influencers to promote the event page directly. Instead, generate a promo code or a separate link for your influencers. Let the influencers promote this link on their social media account. This helps you to count the traffic generated by the link. The KPIs to measure the impact of micro-influencers are-

  • Count the traffic coming to the event page of your website through the influencer link.
  • Measure the registrations on the lead generation form through the link.

These metrics give you the exact engagement rate of your influencer campaign. Also, micro-influencers have to repeatedly promote the link. A one-time promotion will not give results. The success of influencer marketing is in promoting the event consistently.

Why do event promotion by micro-influencers fail?

Influencer marketing needs effort from the start to the end. Marketers have to be involved in goal strategies and influencer selection. Again, content creation and measuring the campaign KPIs need constant observing. There is every chance for the influencer marketing campaign to fail. It may not give the intended returns if brands do not involve themselves. Here are some reasons why influencer marketing fails-

  • Not selecting relevant micro-influencers for brand promotion.
  • Not giving content freedom to influencers.
  • The followers cannot associate themselves with the event promotion.
  • The endorsement comes across as fake or forced.
  • Not strategizing campaigns.
  • Not measuring the campaigns properly.

Brands have to be proactive in their influencer marketing campaigns. They can hire the services of a reliable influencer marketing platform to make the job easy. It is up to the brands to know their strengths and limitations and opt for the best. Remember, you have invested time and money in influencer marketing. So try to get the maximum benefit out of it.

In A Nutshell

Calculating the impact of micro-influencers at your event is a consistent effort. It takes time to get the results and decide if it is a profitable investment. But in the end, it will be worth it.



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