Activities and games to use to make eye contact with children at home

How to make eye contact with children at home
In the c book, eye contact (eye-hand) is an essential human ability. Suppose a child can control his hands and fingers. In that case, he will have more experiences and increase his opportunities to surround his environment, allowing him to do new things, be independent, etc. Also, the development of hand-eye coordination is directly related to the development of graphomotor skills. If you want to read coloring pages cat click here.
Today we are going to see a series of games and fun activities that we can do with children at home -or anywhere- to help them improve their level of eye contact, coordination, and vision.
1 Body to identify the body
2 Merchandise carrier
3 Skip letters
4 Button race
5 Row small things
6 Hands are folded
7 Other sports
Body awareness body
This game involves identifying different parts of the body with the eyes closed. To play, children move their body parts without opening their eyes. It’s fun to move the different parts, not just the ones related to the hands, to differentiate everything. You can play this game with your children at home or anywhere.
Children can complete this game by adding questions for the children to say what part of the body is moving or by sending a movement statement in the form of a riddle – to tell the use of children to move the part of the body that is used on it-.
Merchandise carrier
The game involves carrying plastic cups or containers full of water from one place to another and avoiding obstacles. The goal is to reach its destination without spilling water. To make it easier, you can fill the glasses only half and add another and more water.
You can also put a large glass on the edge and plan as a goal to fill it with a small glass so that you can take some trips. However, the rain that falls, the more often it will be necessary to collect water.
Skipping letters
We need cards or something similar to play this game, which we put face down on the table. The game’s object is to turn as many cards as possible by hitting the table. With this, the child will improve his hand strength. In young children, it should be done on the right and left because the back – control of the hand or the other hand – takes time to explain itself.
A button race
Buttoning and unbuttoning a shirt or school bib is a task that requires a lot of eye-eye coordination but one that is not always popular with children. In a racing format, pressing and releasing buttons can be inspiring. It’s not about winning but the motivation to do it – the faster, the better. Can introduce this work within the regional game.
Row small things
Putting small things in a row is an activity that requires a lot of skill first, take a small thing (symbols, buttons, money, icons, vegetables, etc.), then put it without moving the others. Using buttons or small patterns, we can ask the child to make a line that reaches a certain level. It is an activity that is suitable for mixing with other sports. You can play this game with your children at home or anywhere.
His hands were folded
To play, several people stand in a circle. In planning, each one puts his hand in the middle of the installation. When everyone has finished, another hand is placed on top. When they are all collected, they are removed. To make it harder, you can set a rhythm (using music, for example).
Other Sports
Other games that help to improve the coordination and independence of the movement of the fingers, as well as the development of strength, are the traditional Chinese shadow and candy games, as well as plastic works – doodle, finger painting, etc.) and crafts (play a ball, make balls, etc.). Playing with clay, dirt, and sand helps develop hand-eye coordination and pin games. You can play these games with your children at home or anywhere.
We can’t forget about the construction games and puzzles. In this case, we recommend you always use tools according to age and size.
Some simple activities, such as putting things in and taking things out of a box, putting your hands in bags full of things and playing with the contents, or playing pick up toys, are simple activities that are very helpful in promoting cooperation. Yes, eating with your hands is a significant activity for children.