
What is Sponsored Post, How to Write How Much to Charge?

If you are a blogger or social media celebrity then you must have heard the name of Sponsored Post. But do you know what is a Sponsored Post? And how to earn money from it? If not then this article is especially for you. In this article, you will get complete information about Sponsored Post. Along with this, the advantages and disadvantages of sponsored posts will also be known. And you will also get to know how a sponsored post can destroy your career. So let’s start from the beginning.

Sponsored Post

Recently I got a mail from a car company. In which it was written that you write an article for us. And tell these things in it. For this, he gave a list. In this list, along with the features of the vehicle, the achievements of the company were also mentioned. In exchange for writing the article, I was offered an amount of $ 50 (about Rs 3,736). But I refused to say that Motor Vehicle is not a topic related to our blog. That’s why forgive us.

Here I have mentioned this incident only because of this. So that you get an idea about Sponsored Post. Perhaps you must have understood what kind of post is a Sponsored Post? And why is blogger paid for it? Let us now understand in detail.

What is Sponsored Post?

When you take money from a company or organization and write a post according to its conditions. And publish it on your blog. So that post is called Sponsored Post for your blog. A sponsored post is also a kind of advertisement. In which detailed information about the product is given. That is why it is also called Detailed Advertisement. Sponsored Post can be well understood in these three points:-

  1. Any person, organization, or company offers to write a Sponsored Post to promote itself or any of its products.
  2. Certain conditions are kept for the post. Such as mentioning the features of the product. Or tell a little more about the product.
  3. A blogger publishes his blog by writing a post according to these conditions. And in return, he is paid a fixed amount.

Similarly, Youtube Videos and Social Media Posts are also sponsored. You must have heard many Youtubers saying this at the beginning of their videos. that This video is sponsored by AllIndiaEvent. Instead of All India Event, the name of the company that sponsors that video is used.

Benefits of Sponsored Post

If we talk about the benefits of Sponsored Post. So this benefits both bloggers and Sponsors. Blogger gets cash money. At the same time, the sponsor gets the target audience. Along with this, his product is also promoted. This benefits the sponsor a lot.

If you are a blogger. And you write a Sponsored Post for a company. So your audience easily trusts him. Because she trusts you. That’s why sponsoring companies to take advantage of this. And try to reach as many people as possible through your audience. This increases the sales of the company. Along with this, the brand value also increases. And the company soon becomes popular among the people.

Disadvantages of Sponsored Post

When you come under the greed of money and start accepting wasteful sponsored posts. And start cheating with their own readers. So Sponsored Post is not beneficial for you.

Because readers lose faith in you. And they keep a distance from your blog forever. And when there are no readers, then what is the use of a blog? That means your blogging career ends. That is why Sponsored posts should never be given more importance than Readers.

How to write a Sponsored Post?

When a company asks you to write a sponsored post, do not immediately say yes. Rather first check the official website and social media accounts of that company. And also thoroughly check the product on which you are going to write the post. Especially check the truth of the claims made by the company about that product. And also read user reviews. So that you can know what is the opinion of people about that product?

If most of the reviews are positive, and the company is also Genuine. So accept the Sponsored Post. Otherwise flatly refuse. Usually whatever company offers Sponsored Post. It imposes certain conditions. And for this, the company gives a list of all those features. To be mentioned in the post. If you are going to write a post, then first check all the features mentioned by the company. And write the post only after you are completely sure.

Because sometimes companies exaggerate even the smallest things. And hide the shortcomings. That is why do research at your level. The post even if you are writing for a company. But it is your readers who read it. That is why before writing a post, definitely ask yourself that post you are going to write. Will it benefit your readers in any way? Will they find any information that can be of use to them? If yes, then write the post. Otherwise flatly refuse.

Pay attention while writing a post

  1. Write Sponsored Post only on those subjects. Which matches the category of your blog. Avoid writing posts on such topics. Which has nothing to do with your blog far and wide.
  2. Both you and your readers should benefit from Sponsored Post. If you are getting money. So the readers should also get information about the work.
  3. If you are honest with your readers. So tell them everything correctly. Don’t hide anything from them.
  4. Before publishing any Sponsored Post, it must be labeled “Sponsored Post” or “Promoted Post”. So that your readers can know.

How to get Sponsored Post?

Now the question is how to get Sponsored Post for your blog? So there is no portal for this that you go and register. And you get sponsorship. so? For this, you will have to work a little. That is, your blog will have to be made worthy that the sponsors themselves contact you. For this you have to do these 5 things:-

  1. Professional Look

Give your blog a professional look. Keep the homepage absolutely neat and clean. Use Lightweight and Fast theme. Organize the articles section-wise. And place your best articles prominently on the homepage. Also, organize the navigation system in such a way that no page of the blog is inaccessible.

  1. Quality Content

Post good and quality content on your blog. Content that attracts sponsors towards itself. With this, the sponsors themselves will contact you. And will give good price too. Because content is the heart of the blog. And the more healthy and strong the heart is, the healthier the body is. That is why pay attention to the heart of your blog, that is, the health of the content.

  1. Page For Sponsors

For the convenience of sponsors, make a page on your blog. And share the necessary information related to your blog in this page. Such as the number of Alexa Ranking, DA, PA, Monthly Unique Visitor and Page Views of the blog etc.

Apart from this, on which topics do you accept Sponsored Post? Mention this also. If you have worked with a sponsor, mention that as well. And finally give your contact details. Allow sponsors to contact you.

  1. Relationship with Brands

Brands you want to work with. Build a relationship with them. Interact with them by visiting their social media handles. And tell them about your work. Also, make it clear that you want to work with them. This will let the brands know about you and your work. And when they have a job worthy of you. Then they will definitely contact you.

  1. Google Ads

If you want to get Sponsored Post on your favorite Topics. Then Google Ads is your best option. Because with the help of this you can decide your target audience and keywords yourself. But for that, you will have to spend a little money. Because it’s not free.

How much money is for a sponsored post?

When you get the offer of Sponsored Post for the first time. So the question is definitely in your mind how much to charge? That is, how much money did you ask for writing the post? So I would like to tell you that there is no fixed rate for this. Because many things work behind it. Such as Blog’s Ranking, Niche, DA, PA, Unique Visitor and Number of Page Views, etc. That’s why the same post has different prices for different blogs.

If your blog is an English or Hindi Blog’. And the number of Monthly Unique Visitors is 10,000 or less. So you can comfortably charge from 50 to 150 dollars. This is an approximate figure. If your content has power. And the ranking and DA-PA of the blog are also good, so you can ask for more.


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