
Usual website stability issues and ways to deal wilth them easily

Many people who have just created their website, no matter for what purposes, it seems that only they have problems. This opinion is very common among beginners, but it is completely wrong. Even companies like Amazon, Facebook or Google could have problems with websites. Such as, for example, the global decline in Facebook-related services that occurred in the fall of 2021

Sometimes websites just load slowly, and sometimes there are large-scale crashes of websites and services. And this has led to serious consequences for many. That is why the website needs monitoring. This will allow you to identify problems as quickly as possible and solve them quickly. Or notify users about them.

Common website stability problems 

Even nowadays, when users visit the homepage of a well-known organization, they may encounter serious problems with its accessibility, download speed, content integrity, and so on. But an experienced webmaster can easily fix it. Because a good webmaster knows how, when and where to focus troubleshooting efforts. This is because website performance issues usually arise from a combination of the three most common problems:

Common website stability problems

  • Excessive size of web page elements. The less data your website sends to the client, the faster the page loads. And webmasters can quite easily solve problems with the weight of web page elements. Designers love high-resolution PNG images, but switching to JPEG images with moderate compression can reduce the image file size by 25%. 
  • Incorrect placement of JavaScript files. Many pages contain links to external JS files at the top of the page. This is bad practice. You can simply fix this website performance issue by moving the JS tags from the top of the HTML page to the bottom.
  • Excessive use of CSS selectors. All modern websites are built using CSS. However, designers usually put all the styles for the entire website in a single CSS file. As a result, the CSS file grows. But it makes sense to put the styles that are used throughout the website in a CSS file that is often referenced.

Monitoring tools to deal with all website problems

Of course, it is important for every website owner to ensure that their website is constantly monitoring and fixing problems as quickly as possible. But even the most attentive webmaster will not be able to monitor the website around the clock. And services like HostTracker do an excellent job of automatically monitoring websites. 

Monitoring tools to deal with all website problems

With this service, the webmaster will be able to quickly and efficiently track and eliminate possible causes of problems with the stability of the website. Especially due to the fact that the Tracker Host uses an instant notification system. And multi-stage diagnostic procedures minimize the number of false notifications about problems. With this service, the webmaster can:

  • Test website availability from 140+ locations via various Internet protocols.
  • Check if a domain/IP is on one of the known DNSBL blacklists.
  • Overview website response speed as well as content and databases’ integrity.
  • Monitor server performance in real-time.
  • Automatically suspend Google Ads campaigns if your website is down, and start them up again if it’s up.
  • Collect detailed statistics with the ability to download reports. 
  • Send problem notifications via various messengers.

You will unlock the full potential of the website monitoring capabilities immediately after registration. Each new user will receive a 30-day trial, thereby gaining access to a full set of tools to try.

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