Top 5 Unusual Ways To Make Money With A Credit Card
Top 5 Unusual Ways To Make Money With A Credit Card: Credit cards are issued not only by those who need funds to travel abroad or pay bills but also by people who want to save money during their daily spending. Komsomolskaya Pravda has collected five unexpected ways to earn extra money with credit cards.
First of all, I want to inform you that if you don’t want to pay for an opening credit card then you can generate a virtual credit card online from a credit card generator.
The Top 5 Unusual Ways To Make Money With A Credit Card Are:
- Return your vacation money.
- Get and spend bonuses.
- Take care of “Real” money.
- 5000 rubles per purchase.
- Save for a long period.
1. Return your vacation money.
Some credit cards provide a partial refund of the amount spent on tours, flights, hotel stays and car rentals. With its help, you can pay up to 100% of the cost of tickets, immediately refunding part of the amount (for example, if you spend 60 thousand rubles on a trip, up to 21 thousand can be returned to a credit card, depending on the type of card and the partner bank).
2. Get and spend bonuses.
Sometimes customers are offered cards with points for purchases. You can spend them on air and train tickets, as well as on purchases in stores of equipment, clothing and footwear, household goods and others.
The total income from using such a card (with regular use) will be up to 30 thousand per year. At the same time, some banks offer discounts on purchases – for example, Promsvyazbank – up to 40%.
3. Take care of “Real” money.
Another way to make money on a credit card is to completely replace a debit card with it. Each time you receive a salary, you need to leave 3-5 thousand rubles, which are necessary for current spending in those places where cards do not accept cards.
The remaining amount can be deposited on a debit card account, for example, a Sberbank card. During the month, you can only use a “credit card” – at the end of the month, the loan is repaid with funds from the next salary or from a card that brings income. In a year, this way you can earn from 1000 to 20 thousand rubles.
4. 5000 rubles per purchase.
Some banks, in an effort to reward customers for using a credit card, charge bonuses for purchases. In some cases, they can be converted into rubles – for example, having accumulated 50 thousand bonus points on the “Supercard” of “Promsvyazbank”, the client will be able to receive 5,000 rubles.
5. Save for a long period.
Most credit cards have a 50-day grace period, but there are credit cards checker that allows you not to worry about interest for up to 100 days or more. For example, a “100+” credit card from “Promsvyazbank”.
It allows you to pay the minimum payment (5% of expenses) within 101 days. In this case, the countdown of the period starts from the first purchase, and the credit limit is from 10 to 600 thousand rubles.
1. How do residents of Izhevsk most often pay for their purchases?
- cash – 22%
- bank (debit) card – 69%
- credit card – 9%
- 1 410 people have voted.
2. Do residents of Izhevsk use credit cards?
- -Yes, I use it regularly – 26%
- -Used a couple of times – 12%
- -No, I don’t have a credit card – 58%
- -No, I don’t have a credit card, but I’m going to get it – 4%
- 1 147 people have voted.
3. How many credit cards were issued in Russia?
- In 2017, the use of credit cards in Russia increased by 1/3
- 2016 – 176.6 billion rubles *
- 2017 – 234.3 billion rubles
- The volume of loans issued by credit cards, for the first 9 months of the year. NBCH data
4. Types of credit cards:
- CASHBACK: Refund
- TRAVEL: Provides the opportunity to travel with discounts
- PETROL: Discounted Fuel Price
- REWARDS: Bonuses are awarded for each purchase that can be exchanged for prizes.
- PREMIUM: Access to quality service
- SPECIALTY: Credit cards for sports, music, lifestyle, etc.