Travel and Leisure

Rules not to follow about cheap flights

Every traveler eager to find the cheapest possible flights so that he can travel on budget and enjoy the best of his time. However, in this era of sky-high fares, it is not easy for a traveler to find cheap flights instantly. However, if you search wisely, you can save a lot from your pocket.

Here are some of the foremost important rules not to follow (which we meant to actually follow) in order to find the cheapest possible flights wit Travel Agency Islamabad.

  1. Fly on holidays

If you change the date of your departure or return by one day, you can save a major cash. Flying on a holiday such as Christmas, Easter, Eid or Thanksgiving can come with biggest saving. So, try to book your flight so that you can fly on a holiday and enjoy the cheapest flight.

  1. Book a package

When you are planning to travel somewhere abroad, you need an accommodation, a flight, and other amenities as well. However, buying a hotel room and a flight separately will cost you more; it is cheaper to buy a package including flight and hotel.

  1. Keep yourself updated

In this era of social media, always keep on checking your social media accounts so that you can keep on updated. Sign up for major travel sites and especially with airlines’ websites to get updates on discounts, deals, packages, and most importantly low fares.

  1. Cash your layover

For almost every traveler, non-stop flight is ideal but sometimes layovers can be in your favor in the most beautiful manner. Some airlines such as Icelandair bestows free stopovers which means you can extend your stay in the layover city for sometime and make it a tour destination. Explore the layover city and add it up in your vacation.

  1. Take advantage of the off-peak season

You may have heard about it a lot of times but we cannot undo it from our list of rules to find cheap flights because it actually works. There are times during every year when destinations see a lower volume of visitors, so hotels and airlines lower their fares as well so that they can keep running on their businesses. For instance, you can find cheap flights to Europe in winter because the weather is extreme and people avoid to travel to Europe. But you can gain this chance to explore many sites that are otherwise very busy to be visited. You may not attend festivals like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter or some native festival, but you have a lot of other options to enjoy including markets, monuments, libraries, historic sites, food, museums, cathedrals, and more.

  1. Always compare prices

Many websites offer the lowest airline fares and there are even search engines for cheap flights as well. The best way to find the cheapest flight is to visit all of the fares and compare them carefully so you can find the least one. The only con it has is that it will take a lot of time but if you are saving money then may be the time is worth the effort.

Comparing airline ticket prices is important. Some airlines such as Frontier Air, and Jet Airways are low-priced airlines and are cheaper than other high-end airlines such as British Airways and Turkish Airline. However, expensive airlines like British Airways has a lot to offer to its travelers whereas in cheap airlines, you have to compromise little on your comfort. So, the choice is utterly yours!

  1. Always go with the quality and not the quantity

Last but surely not the least, low flight fares are the first priority for every traveler. However, it does not mean that you have to go for the lowest fare fight, ignoring the quality of the amenities it proffers. There is a prominent product quality difference in amenities and services by airlines. As mentioned earlier, expensive airlines offer quality but are too expensive for a moderate- budget traveler whereas low-priced airlines save you money but make you to compromise on your comfort. Then why not look for a moderate solution? There are some airlines that are worth your money as they compete on quality along with price. Jet Blue, Alaska, Virgin America are the carriers of such category that go easy on your budget and also provides you comfort.



Author and SEO Expert

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