Four Positive Ways Online Education Changed The Conventional Education
Four Positive Ways Online Education Changed The Conventional Education

Online learning isn’t a new concept. It has been there in the education year for several years, but it took a pandemic for people to acknowledge its importance. According to the National Centre for Education Statistics and the US Department of Education, almost 6 million students in 2018 were enrolled in online learning courses in the United States.
The pandemic, however, pushed tons of schools, colleges and universities online. Thus, nearly 70% of the world’s entire student population was affected by mandated school closures, and they resorted to the global eLearning market. The overall eLearning market is expected to reach $350 billion by 2025. Online learning has already changed the conventional system of learning. Let’s see how.
How Has Online Education Changed The Traditional System of Learning?
Educational institutions all around the world are trying to adopt online learning in multiple ways. China, for example, emphasized the use of Tencent classrooms since mid-February. This decision was made after an instruction from the Government that a quarter of a billion full-time students should resume their studies via online learning platforms. So, here’s how online learning has changed traditional education in a positive way.
Education is more accessible
How often have you availed of English assignment writing help services because you couldn’t attend the classes due to geographical barriers? Well, this is where online learning comes into play. In traditional learning, students and teachers are often restricted. You have a specific time and location for anything, whether it is clearing doubts or teaching a chapter.
It gives you the freedom to choose when you would like to study or attend your online classes. Instructors and professors from reputed universities worldwide can provide you with the lessons you have always wanted. Let’s say you want homework essay help for some of your complicated topics in English. So you can seek help from some of the reputed instructors in this field despite geographical barriers. You can tune into presentations, classes and lectures with just a click on your mouse.
People have started to rethink traditional learning environments
The traditional learning system consists of several drawbacks. Sitting within a brick and mortar structure to attend classes or to learn something is one of them. The pandemic forced students, teachers and even parents to rethink what a traditional learning environment should look like. Open Universities Australia or OUA, for instance, demonstrated for several years how online learning provides more flexibility than any other form of learning.
As mentioned earlier, online learning has always been here among us. It wasn’t just as popular as it is now. With over 1.2 billion children being affected by mandated school closures due to the pandemic, online learning is the only feasible option for students to proceed with their education. Online learning provides more flexibility and helps you develop certain life skills that wouldn’t have been possible in traditional learning. Thus, schools and colleges all over the world are rethinking traditional learning setups and figuring out ways to integrate them with online learning.
Students are introduced to multiple diversities
It is not that fun to study with people who are from similar backgrounds as yours. Education empowers you. It exposes you to multiple diversities and cultures from different parts of the world. But what’s the point if you don’t encounter diversity in real life? Studying diversity in textbooks is one thing. Experiencing it is way different. Traditional learning barely allowed you to study with people from different races and cultures. Online learning, on the other hand, brings students and instructors from different parts of the world.
Australian universities, for example, welcome international students from different parts of the world. They boast of a mix of at least 1.5 million students. The truth, however, is that the diversity with domestic students isn’t as robust. In fact, reports suggest that students from major cities are most likely to hold a degree than students from local areas. Online learning lets students from all parts of Australia study with the top reputed universities online irrespective of backgrounds, race, financial status or culture.
Students get to engage more
In online learning, students feel like they belong and are a part of something with people they share similar interests with. The study material in an online learning environment is usually easy to digest and retain. Professors can deliver it in bite-sized chunks, thereby letting you learn at your pace.
It isn’t possible for professors to give each student in a class an opportunity to recall and review information. But it is possible in an online learning environment. The online tutors deliver content in multiple formats such as panel discussions, voice-over slides, videos, text and audio, thereby facilitating student engagement.
Let’s say you have asked an online tutor ‘Can you set a special class to teach me thesis writing for me?’ Online tutors cater to your individual needs. So they are bound to listen to you and set up a separate online class to help you with what you need. Had it been in a conventional learning environment, chances are you wouldn’t have gotten the required help.
Wrapping Up,
Online learning is here to stay, especially now that the pandemic has disrupted the entire traditional system of learning. It has changed the conventional system of learning for good. Now education is more flexible, engaging and accessible by students irrespective of their geographical barriers. The only concern, however, is that for kids to make the most of online learning, they need a stable internet connection and a desktop. Kids from poor socio-economic backgrounds still lag behind because all of them don’t have access to the internet or computers.