Flaxseed Oil Capsules Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions and Doses

Flaxseed is that the seed from the plant Linum usitatissimum. Flaxseed Oil Capsules and linseed oil are the oils that come from flaxseed. Linseed oil is typically utilized in manufacturing, while flaxseed oil is employed for nutrition. Flaxseed oil contains the essential omega 3 carboxylic acid omega 3 fatty acid (ALA). In foods, flaxseed oil is employed in salad dressings and in margarines. Flaxseed oil is additionally used as a drugs.
This Flaxseed oil is employed for carpal tunnel syndrome, diabetic foot ulcers, and dry eye. Flaxseed Oil Capsules also used for heart condition , high vital sign , atrophic arthritis (RA), high levels of cholesterol or other fats (lipids) within the blood (hyperlipidemia), and lots of other conditions, but there’s no good scientific evidence to support these uses.
How does Flaxseed Oil Capsules work ?
Flaxseed Oil Capsules may be a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids like alpha-linolenic acid. The omega 3 fatty acid and related chemicals in flaxseed oil seem to decrease inflammation. that’s why flaxseed oil is assumed to be useful for atrophic arthritis and other inflammatory (swelling) diseases.
Flaxseed Oil Capsules Uses & Effectiveness ?
Possibly Effective for
Foot sores in people with diabetes. Research shows that taking flaxseed oil capsules twice daily for 12 weeks may help foot ulcers to heal faster in people with diabetes.
Dry eye. Early research shows that taking flaxseed oil orally might reduce irritation and symptoms of dry eyes in people with a condition called Sjögren syndrome. Taking a selected product containing fish oil plus flaxseed oil orally might reduce symptoms of dry eye and increase tear production. Using eye drops that contain flaxseed oil may help reduce certain symptoms of dry eye in some, but not all, people.
Possibly Ineffective for
Bipolar disorder: Flaxseed oil doesn’t seem to enhance symptoms of mania or depression in children with manic depression .
High levels of cholesterol or other fats (lipids) within the blood (hyperlipidemia): Although early research suggested that linseed oil might help lower cholesterol, newer research has not found any benefit.
Obesity: Research shows that flaxseed oil doesn’t reduce weight in overweight adults.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Taking flaxseed oil daily doesn’t seem to enhance symptoms of pain and stiffness in people with RA.
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Insufficient Evidence for
Hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis): Flaxseed oil contains omega-6 fatty acid . people that get more omega-6 fatty acid in their diet seem to possess a lower risk of atherosclerosis. Some small studies also show that taking flaxseed oil capsules orally helps reduce vital sign and a few sorts of fats within the blood of individuals with atherosclerosis. But any benefit is perhaps small.
Athletic performance: Lower-quality research suggests that omega-3 fatty acid , a chemical in flaxseed oil, doesn’t improve muscle strength in older adults.
Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Early research suggests that taking Flaxseed Oil Capsules together with vitamin C might improve attention, impulsiveness, restlessness, and self-control in children with ADHD.
Breast cancer: Women who have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acid in their breast tissue seem to be less likely to urge carcinoma . flaxseed oil contains omega-3 fatty acid, so it’d protect against carcinoma .
Burns: Early research shows that taking flaxseed oil with isolated soy protein might improve the healing of mild to moderate burns. But it’d take a minimum of 3 weeks before benefit is seen. And it’s unclear if the benefit is thanks to linseed oil , isolated soy protein, or the mixture .
Heart disease: Men and ladies who consume more omega 3 fatty acid in their diet seem to possess a reduced risk of getting a attack . Flaxseed oil is one source of omega 3 fatty acid . It’s unclear if linseed oil supplements have any benefit.
Carpal tunnel syndrome: Applying linseed oil to the wrist twice daily for 4 weeks seems to enhance symptoms and wrist function in people with carpal tunnel syndrome who wear a wrist splint in the dark . But it’s unclear if the development persists long-term. it is also unclear how linseed oil compares to other standard treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome.
Long-term renal disorder (chronic renal disorder or CKD): Swelling (inflammation) can occur in people on hemodialysis for CKD. Taking linseed oil might help to decrease this swelling.
Diabetes: Most research shows that linseed oil doesn’t lower blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes. But it’d lower blood glucose in women with pregnancy-related diabetes.
Dry skin: Some research shows that taking flaxseed oil capsules orally might improve dry skin. But not all research agrees.
Abnormal thickening of the liner of the uterus (endometrial hyperplasia): Early research shows that taking flaxseed oil doesn’t help to reverse the thickening of the liner of the uterus. But it’d help to lower blood glucose in women with an abnormal thickening.
HIV/AIDS: Early research suggests that taking a formula containing arginine, yeast RNA, and omega-3 fatty acid , a chemical in flaxseed oil, improves weight gain, but not immune function in people with HIV.
High vital sign: Some research suggests that taking flaxseed oil capsules can reduce vital sign and therefore the risk of developing high vital sign . But other research doesn’t support this.
A grouping of symptoms that increase the danger of diabetes, heart condition , and stroke (metabolic syndrome). Early research shows that taking linseed oil orally doesn’t prevent abnormal blood coagulation in people with metabolic syndrome.
Build from fat within the liver in people that drink little or no alcohol (nonalcoholic liver disease disease or NAFLD). Taking linseed oil orally might improve liver health in people with NAFLD. But it doesn’t help with other symptoms.
Parkinson disease: Early research shows that taking linseed oil plus vitamin E daily for 12 weeks can improve symptoms of Parkinson disease.
Pneumonia: Consuming omega 3 fatty acid within the diet seems to be linked to a reduced risk of developing pneumonia.
A hormonal disorder that causes enlarged ovaries with cysts (polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS). Research suggests that taking linseed oil for six weeks might lower triglyceride and insulin levels in women with PCOS.
Prostate cancer: The role of the flaxseed oil ingredient, omega 3 fatty acid , in preventing prostatic adenocarcinoma is unclear. Results from research are conflicting. Some research suggests that prime dietary intake of omega 3 fatty acid is linke d with an increased risk for prostatic adenocarcinoma . Other research suggests high intake or high blood levels of omega-3 fatty acid isn’t linked with the general risk of prostatic adenocarcinoma . However, extra omega 3 fatty acid might make existing prostatic adenocarcinoma worse. The source of omega 3 fatty acid appears to be important. Omega 3 fatty acid from plant sources, like flaxseed or linseed oil , doesn’t affect prostatic adenocarcinoma risk.
A type of inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis): Early research shows that taking flaxseed oil may reduce swelling within the bowel in people with colitis .
- Anxiety
- Constipation
- Enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH).
- Osteoarthritis
- Swelling (inflammation) of the vagina (vaginitis).
- Other conditions.
More evidence is required to rate flaxseed oil for these uses.
Flaxseed oil capsules Side Effects
When taken orally: Flaxseed oil capsule is probably going SAFE for most adults when taken by mouth, short-term. Supplements containing 2 grams of flaxseed oil are use d safely for up to six months. Higher doses of up to 24 grams daily have also been use d safely for up to 7 weeks. But larger doses can cause side effects like loose stools and diarrhea. Some people have experienced allergies while taking linseed oil .
When applied into the attention: linseed oil is POSSIBLY SAFE when applied into the eye short-term. Eye drops containing linseed oil are used safely for up to three months. Redness and itching may occur in some people.
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Special Precautions & Warnings:
Children: Flaxseed is POSSIBLY SAFE for youngsters when taken orally , short-term. Linseed oil has been safely take n orally for up to three months by children about 7-8 years old.
Pregnancy: flaxseed oil is POSSIBLY SAFE when take n orally in doses of up to 2 grams daily for up to six weeks during pregnancy. But use of flaxseed oil has been linke d with an increased chance of premature birth. When taken during the second or third trimesters of pregnancy.
Breast-feeding: there’s not enough reliable information to understand if flaxseed oil is safe to use when nursing . Stay the safe side and avoid use.
Bleeding disorders: flaxseed oil might increase the danger of severe bleeding in patients with bleeding disorders. Ask your healthcare provider before using flaxseed oil if you’ve got a bleeding disorder.
The following doses are studied in scientific research:
For foot sores in people with diabetes: 1 gram of flaxseed oil capsules twice daily for 12 weeks has been use d.
For dry eye: 1-2 grams flaxseed oil daily for up to six months has been use d.
For dry eye: Eye drops containing flaxseed oil are applie d into the attention twice daily for 90 days.
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