Cauliflower Farming – The Guide For Producing High-Yield
Cauliflower Farming – The Guide For Producing High-Yield

Cauliflower or Gobhi is a winter vegetable in India and is consumed widely in the country. As the name suggests, the edible part of this plant is its flowers. Cauliflower or Brassica oleracea originated from Asia and parts of the Mediterranean Sea and has become a popular vegetable worldwide since its introduction. Moreover, the edible part of Cauliflower resembles a structure similar to cheese, which is why it is often called “curd”. The term “Cauliflower” comes from the Latin words “Caulis” & “flōs”, which means Cabbage-flower. However, both Cauliflower and cabbage are from the same family, i.e. Brassicaceae.
Common Gobhi Varieties
Pusa Snowball 1, Snowball 16, Pant Shubhra, Pusa Deepali and early Kunwari are the popular cauliflower varieties.
Cauliflower Health Benefits
Cauliflower is rich in antioxidants and helps in weight loss. It promotes heart health and has reasonable amounts of fibres. Gobhi proves to be a healthier substitute for grains as it has low-calories. Hence, it is a good choice for regular consumption.
If you are wondering about the Cauliflower farming process, you’ve arrived at the perfect destination.
Steps & Requirements For Gobhi Cultivation
Below is a detailed description of the requirements and necessary steps for Gobhi cultivation.
Temperature & Climate
Cauliflower is a cool veggie and needs a moist climate for high yield. The ideal temperature for Gobhi is 15 to 20 degrees celsius, and the early varieties prefer hot temperatures and shorter nights for survival.
Soil Suitability
Cauliflower can be cultivated in loamy to clayey soil, but the recommended soil for good flowers is deep loamy soil. In addition, the soil should have high water holding capacity as less water availability leads to fewer flowers. The ideal pH range for Gobhi is 5.5 to 6.0, and saline soil must be avoided for proper plant growth.
Land Preparation
The soil should be ploughed thoroughly for the crucial tilth stage, and we can use the Massey 7250 to fulfil this task. Also, it should be made sure to eliminate unwanted plants and impurities for good soil fertility. Then, well-decomposed cow dung or organic matter is applied to ensure proper plant nourishment. This can be done by using modern farm machinery.
Sowing & Spacing
Cauliflower is categorised into three varieties, and the sowing time of each variety is different, depending upon the temperature and climate. The early variety is sown from May to August, the main variety is sown in Sep-Oct, and the late variety is sown in Oct-Dec.
For planting, a distance of 45m x 45m is preferred for early-season variety, and 60cm x 60cm spacing is recommended for late variety.
Manure & Fertilizer Needs
It is essential to arrange a soil test before applying manure and fertilizer. This is because manure and fertiliser requirements vary according to soil health. Initially, 150 to 200 quintals of farmyard manure are given per hectare, and NPK is also provided with the first dose of 100 kg nitrogen during land preparation. Then, another 100 kg of nitrogen fertilizer is added at the time of transplanting. This can be done by Massey 9500 for even distribution.
The cauliflower seedlings are prepared in nurseries in a controlled environment, and it takes 4 to 5 weeks to reach the transplantation stage. Then the seedlings are protected from excessive sunlight by shades, and in the spring season, they must be protected from frost.
Irrigation Requirements
Cauliflower needs water after transplanting, and in summers, irrigation is provided every 7 to 8 days considering the quality of the soil. However, in the winter season, it is crucial to give irrigation at an interval of 10 to 15 days.
Diseases and Pests In Cauliflower
Pests and diseases prove to be very harmful to the Gobhi plantation. The most common pests in Cauliflower are caterpillars, sucking pests and diamondback moths. Some hazardous diseases are downy mildew, leaf spot, wilt and blight. However, there are various herbicides and pesticides available to eliminate these harms.
When the cauliflower heads are fully developed, they are ready to be harvested. The harvesting process is carried out manually in the morning or evening to obtain good-quality vegetables and store them in cold temperatures. Then, the cauliflowers are collected, graded and ready to be sent to the markets for commercial purposes.
The above-mentioned details are essential information regarding Gobhi farming. If Cauliflower is grown under proper care, it proves to be a profitable crop and has numerous benefits regarding health also.
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