
6 Data Analytics Trends to Fire Up Your Business

Data analytics is the driving force behind any firm’s market trend in many ways. In today’s expanding industry, data science, artificial intelligence and big data analytics are the three main trends.

Thanks to these emerging data analytics trends, organisations are better equipped to handle multiple changes and uncertainties. Let us look at a couple of these Data Analytics trends that are quickly taking hold in the market. 

 6 Data Analytics Trends 

Scalable and Intelligent Artificial Intelligence 

The business environment has changed significantly due to COVID-19, making primary data useless. So, various scalable and better Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning approaches to deal with small data sets are now available to replace old AI techniques.  

These innovations have a quicker payback period, are noticeably speedier, protect user privacy, and are versatile. Most manual chores can be automated and reduced using big data and AI.  

Cloud Computing and Hybrid Cloud Solutions 

One of the key data trends for 2022 is the rising use of cloud computing and hybrid cloud services. Compared to private clouds, which are more expensive but provide more security, public clouds are more affordable but offer less protection. 

 A hybrid cloud combines the finest features of private and public clouds to offer more agility while balancing cost and security. This is accomplished via machine learning and artificial intelligence. Hybrid clouds are transforming businesses by providing a centralised database, data security, scalability, etc., at a reduced cost.   

Data Fabric   

A data fabric is a solid architectural framework and group of data services that standardises data management processes and consistent capabilities across hybrid multi-cloud systems.  

Since this solution may reuse and mix various integration techniques, data hub capabilities, and technologies, more businesses will rely on it as the present business trend toward accelerated data complexity increases.   

Additionally, it lessens system complexity by lowering design, deployment, and maintenance times by 30%, 30%, and 70%, respectively.  

Using Edge Computing to Speed Up Analysis 

Although there are many big data analytics tools available, there is still a need for solid data processing skills. 

Computing has enabled it to handle the vast amount of data much more rapidly and with less bandwidth while simultaneously enhancing security and data privacy. This is considerably better than classical computing since decisions are made using quantum bits on a Sycamore processor, which can resolve a problem in under 200 seconds. 

 Though the market trend is rising, it will soon become apparent and play a crucial role in corporate operations.   

Augmented Analytics   

This notion of data analytics uses Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence to automate and improve data analytics, data sharing, business intelligence, and insight discovery. 

Augmented Analytics is already doing the duties of a Data Scientist, from aiding with data preparation to automating and processing data and gaining insights from it.   

Data Visualization   

Data visualisation is the final step in the analytics process and helps businesses understand vast amounts of complex data. Companies now find it simpler to make judgments by utilising visually engaging methods thanks to data visualisation.    

Enabling data to be seen and displayed in patterns, charts, graphs, etc., impacts the analytical process. It is a terrific approach to forecast future trends for the company since the human brain perceives and retains pictures more than text.   


So many fascinating data and analytics developments have been explored here. The future is promising and analytical!   

Organisations will use artificial intelligence more frequently as they abandon manual operations. For example, when it comes to processing natural language or analysing unstructured data sets, AI will take on complicated jobs that humans can only complete slowly or inefficiently. As a result, businesses can make quicker choices based on more reliable data. 


To find out more about using data analytics consulting services to make your business choices more data-driven, contact SG Analytics. 

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