
Best Call Recording App for Viber 2021

It is common to use them more and more social media applications in the latest era of technology. People switch to connect a large number of people at the same time. As we all know, there are a lot of social messenger apps like Whatsapp, Viber, Facebook, and many others. People at a vast scale regularly use these apps for making audio-video calls and share the data with others. But the user couldn’t make the recording of the targeted one. So, for tracking their calls and listening to their conversation, you must need a spy application that helps you record the calls. In this article, we will tell you about the Viber call recording app that can help you track the targeted person’s digital devices.

Is it possible to record the Viber calls?

Now, we all have modern devices and access to social media apps. It means everyone has access to the latest technology. People want to track the calls and secretly know their online actions. Don’t waste your time finding an unreliable application for this purpose. As a user, you can spy all the data of the targeted one and know it very well. Now, you can spy the Viber calls of anyone you want to know about their conversation. Therefore, we describe the best Viber call recording app that can be helpful in recording.

Which is the best call recording app?

There is a comprehensive list of monitoring applications that can help you track and spy the digital devices. But still, people are confused about choosing the best mobile spy app that makes sure you about online monitoring. Read the details and find the solution to spying on the calls of anyone you targeted.

TheOneSpy tracking app

One of the best spy app for android is TheOneSpy app, which allows users to track innovative gadgets and find their online actions. This app is compatible with android, mac, windows, and iOS devices. Users can find all activities without touch the device into the hand. It considers the best app that can help you in finding the solution to online activities. TheOneSpy offers remote monitoring with the help of their spying features. It gives the features for tracking the digital gadgets and sees the actions of your targeted person. It helps the user to find everything you want to follow.

How TheOneSpy help you in call recording

TheOneSpy helps you in call tracking and allows finding the conversation. This monitoring application works with their features to find online activities. So, first of all, you know their work and then come to know their installation steps.

TheOneSpy Viber call recorder app

With the help of TheOneSpy app, users can find the online actions of the device you can track. User can easily spy the specific social media account like Viber. It also helps you to monitor all incoming, outgoing calls of the targeted person. Users can able to record any call or listen to the live conversation of the targeted device. You come to know the dialogue between the targeted people with others. It helps you in finding the hidden results of the targeted device.

How to install TheOneSpy app

The below paragraph guides you to Viber call recording by using TheOneSpy phone spyware. Follow these steps carefully to do it.

Stet no. 1 knows the original website.

For installing the app, you should find the original website of TheOneSpy for selecting the app. with this app. You have to subscribe to the app and know the package.

Step 2 subscribe to the Viber call recorder.

Now, you need to subscribe to the app for the final monitoring. You need to select with offering price package.

Step 3 ID & password

When you successfully subscribe to the app and price package, you will get an email from the call recording app. the given ID is used for logging in to track the device.

Step 4 physical access

You need to get physical access to the targeted device for installing the app into the machine. You couldn’t make sure of the hidden spying of the targeted device without installing the app.

Step 5 gets access to the web portal.

In the final step, you need to know the web portal of TheOneSpy app. in the dashboard, and you can save all recorder files that can download into your device.


While recording the crucial calls of the targeted person, you get the best Viber call recording app. it helps you find the best result of tracking the calls.

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