Advantages Of Using Kansa Vessels For Cooking

Kansa is a metal of tin and copper. We can also call it as “Bronze” in English, “Kanh” in Assam, and different North/East parts of India. Several Kansa artefacts found in archaeological discoveries are actually Bronze kitchen utensils such as plates, and bowls. This metal is found in our old documents, especially in Ayurvedic books, which describe the use of kansa kitchen utensil set in detail. It was a clear mention of the health benefits of cooking and eating in Kansa vessels. One such text cited is “Rasaratna Samuchchaya”.
The traditional kitchens of India still use Kansa metals to cook. Now, modern homes have also started using it. Indeed, the non-stick cookware makes cooking easy and looks appealing, but has adverse effects on health.
How Are The Kansa Kitchen Utensils Made?
As we have mentioned above, bronze or Kansa is a composition of tin (22%) and copper (78%) at 400 to 700 centigrades. The alloy is malleable and is categorized into sheets. This attribute enables it to be processed to provide the desired shape. The metal is then molded into different utensils and polished with tamarind juice and sand.
How Are Kansa Vessels Beneficial To Human Health?
- Solid Kansa Utensils are popular for their durable nature.
- The water overnight stored in the Kansa glass set does not get stale. In addition, it prevents water-borne illnesses such as jaundice, dysentery, and diarrhea.
- Kansa constitutes anti-convulsive and brain stimulant properties. It assists in brain stimulation and hence, enhances its functioning.
- However, eating and drinking from the Kansa plate revises the need for solid bronze metals. These assist in the thyroid gland’s best functioning.
- Indeed, one can use bronze metals can on a daily basis to promote wellness.
- Copper in Kansa improves hemoglobin and lessens inflammation. Also, the tone boosts digestion and food absorption.
- Additionally, Kansa katoris are used for therapeutic applications.
- Because of the presence of anti-inflammatory properties of Copper in Kansa, muscular pain and joint pain get released.
- Kansa is the prime factor in melanin production. It helps in skin health restoration. Also, eliminate the aging effects.
- The copper in bronze categorizes reduces fats and helps in weight loss.
- Additionally, the Kansa kitchen utensils improve cardiovascular health and preserve anemia. Also, it improves blood pressure.
- Kansa kitchenware boosts immunity and purifies the food.
Precautions To Take While Using Kansa Kitchenware
It is advisable to buy brass cookware from a modern supplier. The reason behind this is that the old metals could have the quality of arsenic or lead mixed with tin and copper. These components can leach from the alloy to the food while cooking.
Arsenic and lead are intensifying poisons. This means they can grow in the body with time and affect the human body before the symptoms become prevalent. The modern supplier of Kansa utensils advises not to use the utensils with acidic foods.
Do not cook the food with citrus, tomatoes, and vinegar. Also, avoid storing the eatables in Kansa vessels for a long time. If the cookware includes tin coating, check it from time to time about any damage. If there is any, then the coating is required.
How To Use The Kansa Kitchen Utensil Set?
As of now, it is clear that Kansa is a combination of copper and tin. Do not use the metal in acidic eatables till the ladle is tin coating.
While cleaning the Kansa Glass set, wash them with mild soap and gentle detergent. The wire scrub usage is not advised. To soak the vessel, use only the tamarind water to kill oxidation. It gives the shine or tamarind skin can be scrubbed also.
If unpainted bronze comes into contact with liquids or food, it is easy to corrode or stain. It will be better to wash the Kansa kitchenware right after using it.
Get a commercial soap or cleaner particularly for Kansa, and follow the supplier’s guidelines. Also, you can use the homemade cleaner, one teaspoon of salt with one cup of white vinegar. Mix all with the right am_ount of flour and make the paste.
Use the paste on the Kansa plate and keep it for 15 to 60 minutes. Later, rinse it with warm, clean water and dry it. Avoid using abrasive or harsh scrubs on the bronze cookware because this could damage the metal or any tin protective coating or lacquer that it has.
Concluding Remarks
Of course, Kansa cookware gives several benefits to human health. But, there are some directions or precautions to its usage. To get the benefits, we advise to follow them.
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