
Legal metrology Consultancy in Delhi

As per the Legal Metrology Act of 2009, all the products must meet certain metrological regulatory standards. Simply put, such products must meet these standards before you can manuacture them.

To prove that your products meet those standards, you need specific certifications issued by the legal metrology department. Helping you in this regard are experts associated with the best legal metrology consultancy in Delhi.

Why Delhi Matters when it comes to Legal metrology consultations?

Delhi stands at the standards of all the compliance and regulatory affairs of the companies. In addition to holding most government departments related to license and registration, it’s also the place to hold the most seekers of those licenses and registrations.

Therefore, it can be said that for an important matter of legal metrology consultations, Delhi is likely the ground zero.

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Legal metrology consultation Services provided in Delhi

In all honestly, the legal metrology consultation that you get here will be accessible across the whole country. Every state has different standard, timing and procedure for legal metrology certifications. In the case of Delhi, the services provided are for the following licenses:

  1. Dealer certification: Dealers are individuals or business entities that engage with dealing of weights & measure products across the state.
  2. Import license: Import license is the legal requirement mandatory for those seeking to import weights and measuring products for the purpose of trade.
  3. Model approval: Those who manufacture weights and measuring products have to get approval from the Legal metrology department before putting said products on sale. The same goes for importers as well.
  4. Packer License: When pre-packaging products, manufacturers, packers and importers have to follow a regulatory standard when displaying the product’s details on the pre-packing. If they do, the legal metrology department issues them the packer license as per the Legal Metrology Packaged Commodities Act.

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Qualities to seek in Legal metrology consultants

Don’t think that just because you have so many consultants active in Delhi, you can just pick and choose among them.

Many of these consultants aren’t aware of the intricacies of the legal metrology act. Thus, they are not fit to provide you services.

But, how can you differentiate the best from the rest. Here are the qualities you must seek in Legal metrology consultants:

  1. How much about legal metrology do they understand: To verify whether you’re in touch with the right consultant, you must find out that he or she knows. Ask questions pertaining to your certification requirement. If they stumble giving you any answer, you must look the other way. Regardless of how it looks, the regulations pertaining to Legal metrology aren’t that complicated. Therefore, you must expect your consultants to provide you all the answers without any hesitation.
  2. How much do they charge for their services: When you’re looking for regulatory consultations like legal metrology, your first instinct is to look for someone who can provide you services It’s not always the right thing to do. Instead of inexpensive, the right consultant would charge you reasonably. There is a lot involved in legal metrology consultation services from filing of application to following up with the department. Thus, know full well the value of services you’re looking for before you ask for them.
  3. In how much time are they promising to deliver you the services: Don’t expect to get legal metrology certificates of any kind to land on your lap overnight. The process, even though straightforward, is quite complicated. Added to that, there are complications that can occur while you’re application is going through processing. If your consultant doesn’t take into account such incidents when giving you a deadline, you should look the other way.


When you’re looking for legal metrology consultancy in Delhi, you must only look for someone who can deliver your services on time, doesn’t promise you with outlandish deadlines, charges you reasonably and possesses ample knowledge about the certifications. If you’re looking for all those qualities in a single service provider, look for Registrationwala.

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