What Is a Lower Lingual Holding Arch?

If you’re looking to repair your bite using orthodontic braces, you may have heard of something called a lower lingual holding arch. This device has been used by orthodontists since the 1970s to help treat bite problems, but it remains somewhat mysterious to the public and even many dental professionals. If you have concerns about your bite or have just had your braces put on and would like to know more about this system, here are some facts you need to know about the lower lingual holding arch.
A Complication to Bite Inclination
The lower lingual holding arch is one of several different types of bite inclinations. Biting into your lower lingual holding arch can lead to problems such as recession and wear on your teeth, as well as tooth shifting and eventual loss. If you’re experiencing pain or other symptoms, it’s important to see a dentist for evaluation and treatment options. With early detection, you may be able to correct or halt progression of your condition before it affects your health and quality of life.
The Definition of a LLHA
A lower lingual holding arch is a type of dental arch restoration. The term comes from its form, which resembles that of an L or lowercase t. This type of restoration replaces one lost tooth on each side of your mouth, as well as supporting teeth in between them. LLHAs are commonly placed when replacing decayed teeth with bridges or implants. If you’re looking for missing teeth, we can help you find one close to home. Visit our office today and learn more about LLHAs and other missing tooth solutions!
A Solution for Turbinated Teeth
Our bite turbo has been used by hundreds of doctors to help solve their patients’ dental issues. A bite turbo is an affordable and effective alternative to dental surgery. Whether it’s an overbite, underbite, open bite or some other issue that’s cause by dentures not properly resting against your gums, we have an answer for you. Bites turbos use gentle suction to lift your gums gently around your teeth so you can reposition any loose or slipping dentures and re-establish proper fit and function. The best part is there’s no cleaning involved! Simply place it over your teeth for 20 minutes each day until desired results are achieve. Your dentist will work with you closely to ensure you get exactly what you need from our product line.
Why Choose an LLHA?
Dentists and orthodontists sometimes recommend an LLHA to help keep misaligned teeth in their place during treatment. But what is an LLHA, exactly? An LLHA (which stands for lingual lingual holding arch) is a small piece of wire that’s custom-fit to your upper teeth. Because it can move along with your teeth, it helps provide added stability during Invisalign® treatment—and it improves comfort levels as well. If you’re interest in learning more about how an LLHA works or if you’d like to schedule your initial consultation with our office, give us a call today!
What Are the Benefits of an LLHA?
Lingual holding arches, also known as L-shaped hooks or bite turbos, are small mouth guards that can help you keep your lower teeth in place when you snore. These can be worn while sleeping and should not take away from your normal sleep patterns or affect your breathing. Read on to learn more about how they work and why they might be right for you.
How Much Does an LLHA Cost?
As with any dental procedure, LLHAs aren’t free. Generally, patients pay anywhere from $3,000 to $4,000 for an arch to be affixed onto their lower front teeth. However, keep in mind that your orthodontist or dentist may offer you a discount or financing options if you’re paying out of pocket. You should also inquire about whether insurance covers any part of your fee. If it does, get ready for another bill from your provider before long—but at least you won’t have to pay out of pocket!
How Long Do I Need to Use an LLHA (Lower Lingual Holding Arch)?
This is probably one of the most common questions about lingual orthodontics (braces behind your teeth). The short answer is that you should use it for as long as your orthodontist recommends. However, knowing what an LLHA does can help you understand how important it is to wear it long enough. An LLHA holds your lower front teeth in place while they heal into their new positions. In essence, they are a holding form while traditional braces adjust them into place. This process can take between 6 and 12 months on average but may be longer or shorter depending on individual cases.
When Can I Get Rid of my LLHA (Lower Lingual Holding Arch)?
A lower lingual holding arch (LLHA) is use in cases of severe crowding, or when other types of orthodontic treatment aren’t enough to provide ideal tooth positioning. While some treatments—such as clear aligners—can sometimes be complete without using an LLHA, having one install gives your dentist more control over your teeth while they move into place. When can you get rid of it? Your dentist should give you a specific timeline for removing an LLHA once your teeth have reached their new positions, but it’s common for them to come out within several months after initial treatment.