
SEO On Shopify Products

Attracting traffic to your online store is one of the first steps in turning your potential customers into real ones. When optimizing SEO, platforms like WordPress are always taken into account. However, are there really alternatives for your ecommerce? Thanks to SEO in Shopify we can get traffic even when the budget has been exhausted .

When we talk about SEO positioning in Shopify, we refer to the process of optimizing a website to appear in the first places in search engines.

Shopify, in turn, stands out for being a CMS that offers you the possibility of designing and creating your online store quickly, efficiently, and without the need for knowledge of web development. Thanks to the use of templates and through a fairly intuitive construction interface, you will have a website in a matter of minutes without too many complications. You can take help of Best Shopify Web Design and Development Services Agency.

How to do SEO on Shopify products?

As in an ecommerce, it is possible to develop an SEO strategy in Shopify. Next, we will detail the steps to follow to obtain maximum visibility through this tool.

  1. Previous search of your main keywords.
    With the help of a keyword research you will be able to identify which are the words and expressions that you want to promote on your website. To do this you must carry out the following steps:
  2. Step 1 . Make a list with the words with which you want to be identified in Google.
    Step 2 . Check that the terms have real searches in the search engine. Once you have them defined, create an Excel.Choose the “Long tail” keywords to grow.

You must be specific with what you want to sell as well as concise and specific. In the content of your online store made with Shopify you must include the keywords in a natural way so that search engines can locate them easily.

  1. Think of a logical web architecture.
    It must be adapted to a correct user experience. The hierarchical structure must be well ordered, giving priority to the internal linking of the web. It will promote the SEO On Page of your ecommerce.
    A good organization of the taxonomies of the websites will allow the robots to understand the reasons why the content is found as it is. The use of categories, subcategories and tags allow this to be possible.
  2. Optimize the file of each of the products.
    In this case, it is advisable that you take into account the following recommendations that could be of interest to you:

    • Do not copy and paste the description sent by the manufacturer or supplier.
    • Add explanatory videos in which the benefitsof each of the products that you are going to sell appear.
    • Encourage buyers to leave their opinions on the product page. Keep in mind that whether they are positive or negative, you must respond to each review in a polite and grateful manner. Practice active listening to these kinds of comments.
  3. A picture is worth a thousand words. You must follow the following guidelines so that your images remain optimized
    • File name. You must include the keywords in the title. In turn, you must fill the ALT attribute with the same previous title.
    • Image size and weight. It is advisable to avoid photographs having a weight greater than 100 kb.
  4. Remove discontinued product pages.
    You will have to redirect them with a 301 to another product with very similar characteristics to the one the user is looking for.
  5. SEO On Page basic to take into account.
    Be creative and take care of the metatitle and metadescription fields. Thanks to this measure you can increase the CTR of each of the pages and blogs you have.
  6. Social networks are our greatest allies.
    The web traffic that arrives through social channels is qualified as “Social SEO” and is highly valued by search engines. However, you must bear in mind that most platforms are overcrowded, so appearing in the internal searches of each network is very difficult.
  7. External linking is key to standing out.
    The best way to get external links that mention us is through various mechanisms that we will detail in the following lines:

    1. Guest Blogging. In addition to allowing you to make contacts within your professional area, it will allow the start of relationships of interest between other blogs and companies.
    2. Voluntary linking is achieved through original content.
  8. Boost your “local SEO” when you have a physical store.
    Create a listing on Google My Business. It will allow you to appear in a geolocated way in the search results of users who want to buy products like the ones you offer, being located just a few minutes from the physical store. Platforms like Yelp can also be very useful for both users and you.

Shopify vs WordPress SEO

The features of SEO positioning in Shopify are quite basic but highly reliable. Thanks to this platform you will be able to manage the SSL code to keep your site safe and they are generated automatically. This way you can prove to Google that the content will not harm third parties. If the page doesn’t work, 301 redirects will occur or if a name changes.

However, the main drawback of Shopify for SEO is that it does not have plugins as interesting as Yoast SEO, available in WordPress . Also, it is complicated to create clean URLs.

Whether you want to develop an online store through Shopify or WordPress, it is vitally important to have the necessary tools and knowledge to make your website appear at the top of search engines.


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