When working to improve your website’s SEO system, you will be introduced to a variety of tools that can assist you in adhering to better SEO practices. Each tool has its own set of capabilities, and they can be used in different ways to obtain various types of data. Now that you have so many options and unique ways to obtain different types of data, you are perplexed as to what is the best method and tool for improving On-page SEO. This blog will discuss and demonstrate how to use Screaming Frog. It is well-known as an SEO tool. Not only that, but you will also learn how to use Screaming Frog effectively. Screaming basically tells you what’s wrong with the website, and it assists businesses in attracting crawlers to their websites and directing them where to work.
For any level of marketing campaign, Screaming Frog has both options. You have the option of using a free or paid tool. Now that we’ve established how excellent this tool is, let’s learn how to use it. If you know how useful this tool is but don’t know how to use it effectively. Now is the time to figure out how to incorporate this useful tool into your strategy.
The Screaming Frog tool is essentially a business. This company provides a wide range of marketing tools and services. This company provides a tool to help everyone improve their SEO, and their most well-known tool is the Screaming Frog SEO Spider. This improves not only SEO but also website and business sales and results.
Log File Analyzer:
The Log File Analyzer is another tool provided by Screaming Frog. This lightweight tool, which is available for free in a limited form or for an annual fee, runs log files through the software to determine which bots ran which pages and what happened when they did. Pages can be better optimized for Googlebot and other search spiders using this type of log analysis. You can easily fix broken links, bad redirects, slow pages, and underperforming pages using the results of a log file analyzer like this one from Screaming Frog.
SEO Spider:
Screaming Frog’s SEO Spider is software that collects information from a website using a website crawler, also known as a spider. The results can help you improve your website and SEO practices so that it performs better in searches and conversions.
Now that we’ve learned a little bit more about Screaming Frog and everything they have to offer, let’s focus on the SEO tool from its portfolio that is most important to understand: the Screaming Frog SEO Spider. The term “spider” refers to software that collects data from the internet and then processes it in a specific manner. Google, for example, employs spider software to “crawl” every website on the internet in search of data that it can then index and use to improve search results. Spiders are used for a variety of search websites, and websites that do not run their own spider software typically have some type of access to another site’s index.
Screaming Frog’s Spider:
You can download and run the spider on Screaming Frog yourself. This spider was specifically designed to look for important SEO information:
- Categories
- Metadata
- Text content
As previously stated, there are numerous ways to gain access to SEO tools and search indexes. However, not all of them allow you to search, filter, and customize your own SEO crawls in the same way that Screaming Frog does. Whether you’ve been working on SEO for over a decade or are just getting started, there are advantages to using Screaming Frog. If you want to conduct a site or content audit, Screaming Frog’s SEO Spider can provide you with all of the information you need. Screaming Frog crawls adhere to Googlebot standards to provide the best SEO results.
If you want to, you can change what the spider looks at to get even more information on your own site. Depending on your objectives, it may be beneficial to examine some areas that Googlebot ignores when indexing your site’s pages.
It’s time to get started with our official Screaming Frog tutorial on using the SEO Spider tool for SEO research, optimization, and more! Because there is so much that can be done with this tool, we’ll only go over a few key techniques at first. Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals covered today, visit Screaming Frog’s User Guide to learn more about other techniques you can try with their tools.
Total Site Crawl:
The first thing we’ll learn is how to perform a full site crawl. This type of crawl is necessary for site audits and content audits, as well as to get a better understanding of what you犀利士
‘re dealing with. Furthermore, it’s a great way to get started with the SEO Spider tool without having to do too much customization.
Checking Links:
Another way to improve your SEO practices is to use this tool to check your links. How many are there on each page? Are the links functional? Finding all of this information manually can take a long time, but the On page makes it much easier.
Identify Pages with Too Many Links:
Use the list to identify any pages with an excessive number of outlinks. Spiders like Googlebot will typically flag pages with too many outlinks, so if possible, avoid having pages with more than 100 outlinks.
Content Audit:
Now that you’ve had a chance to become acquainted with some of the data that can be obtained by performing a crawl with this SEO Spider, let’s move on to another area where you can improve: content. A large part of SEO ranking is determined by how content is structured and delivered, so you should look into that as well. So, you’ll need to configure your SEO Spider for another crawl, but this time you’ll want to check as many boxes as possible on the configuration menu. The more data collected in this crawl, the better! More data will help to ensure that you have as much information as possible to work with.
Find Content That Needs to Be Removed/Improved:
Pages that have fewer than 1,000 words on them are very likely to be detrimental to your SEO search results unless you are an e-commerce site with on-site product listings. Pages with thin content can either be removed or improved.
Fix Problematic Titles:
Long Titles:
Another way to make use of your results is to look for titles that are too long to appear in Google search results. Titles that are too long will not attract the right kind of attention, so make sure they are cut off in an attractive way or shorten them.
Duplicate Meta Titles:
Another type of title issue that can wreak havoc on your page’s SEO results is having duplicate meta titles. Even if the content under these titles is unique and the duplicate title was unintentional, duplicate meta titles are very likely to cause you to be penalized in search results.
Duplicate Meta-Description:
If your site has pages with the same meta description on multiple pages, your SEO rankings will suffer more than you realize, so you should address this as soon as possible.
Get Rid of URL Problems:
The URL tab is another useful tab that can provide you with a wealth of information about any potential URL issues. You can use the filters in this tab to find a few interesting things. First, use the duplicate filter to ensure that there are no duplicate URLs. A page may have multiple URLs that are very similar and all lead to the same page. This can be as simple as some pages’ URLs lacking a www. These pages should be canonicalized so that Google understands which is the primary page. Next, use various filters to see if there are any pages with URLs that are difficult for a page visitor to understand. To do so, scroll down in the “Overview” section on the right-hand side until you see the URL submenu, as shown below.
Wrap Up:
It’s Time to Test for Yourself and make your Website SEO Optimized